Thursday, March 8, 2012

Making Progress

So far I have accomplished 5 things of my list!

Item 1) Make This List: Again, I know this seemed like a gimmie, but it was a challenge. I am still finding things I want to add or substitute. So keeping to the current list is even a challenge! Thanks again to all those who made suggestions!

Item 5) Learn to Make Espresso. My wonderful friend Mandi arranged for a private lesson at Vince's in Renton. She taught me how to pull shots and foam milk. There is a lot that goes into each of these very important steps. To pull good shots you have to correctly dose, tamp, and polish the shot before it even gets to the espresso machine.  We even tried some latte art (with little success). I was already a bit of a coffee snob, but now I am an informed coffee snob. If my coffee tastes off, I know why. Thanks Mandi!

Not so beautiful Latte Art.
Beautiful Espresso Shots

Item 18) Tour Red Hook Brewery and St. Michelle Winery- To celebrate the Fourth Anniversary of our first date/valentines day, my husband took me on a day trip up to Woodinville to tour the brewery and the winery. First, I have to say that lunch at Red Hook was fantastic! I had the Salmon with a Quinoa Pilaf and Pinapple Salsa Yum!  I highly recommend the tour. It is well worth every penny of the $1 it costs; you get to see most of the factory, sample several of their delicious ales, and don't get me started on the tour guide. If you go, I hope you get Valerie as your guide. She was hilarious (and it had nothing to do with the beer drinking), and informative. The St. Michelle Winery was also lovely, the grounds were beautiful despite the rain, and we ended up getting a private tour and tasting. 

Between Items 5 and 18 I have learned all I need to know about my three favorite beverages! :)
My thoughts exactly!
 Red Hood was established in 1982, just like me!

Giant glass fruit bowl and SMW.

Item 30) Date Night at a Cinebarre Theater - After a wonderful afternoon in Woodinville, we made a brief stop at Starbucks to do some of our Real Marriage homework (a study our church is doing). Then we made our way to Montlake Terrace to the Cinebarre Theater. While fun, this one did not live up to my expectations. Don't get me wrong, I love the concept of a dinner theater, and the prices were good, but the food was only so-so. Both my Blue Velvet Burger, and Jordan's Gladiator pizza were lukewarm at best by the time they got to us. I will try it again, but next time I will eat dinner somewhere else beforehand and plan on having Some Like it Hot Wings and Princess Leias (mini cinnamon rolls).

Item 4) Try a New Ethnic Food- This week is spring break, so yesterday my co-workers and I took advantage of the slow pace and went out for lunch. There is a great Indian place called Shamiana just down the road. They have a great lunch buffet special, which allowed me to try lots of different things. I tried Naan, world-renowned Major Grey Chicken Curry, Pulao, Dal, Raita, and Mango Yoghurt Mousse.It was delicious and the company was great! Sorry no picture, but trust me it looked as good as it sounds. I think this is an item on my list I may accomplish more than once, because I would still like to try Ethiopian food.

Overall, I am pleased with my progress so far. With St. Patrick's Day just around the corner, I am turning my attention toward 5K prep. I may try to fit my run on Alki into my training. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Intimidated by Insight

To say "it has been a while" would be an understatement. I started this blog over a year ago, and really haven't gotten much past that step. So here I am, one year, one month and three days (or four, depending on when I get around to posting this) later starting again.

I think I got intimidated by my title. Chasing Insight, I like the sound of it, and think it perfectly describes the way I interact with the world. But it also sounds so profound, like every post I made would need to be full of wit, wisdom, and shocking revelations. I wouldn't say the past year has been dull, or lacking excitement or interesting lessons; it has been eventful, but the moments of insight have been slowly revealed, and sometimes through circumstances that seem more silly than profound.

I am not going to change the title of this blog, but I am going to change my attitude toward it! It is, after all, my blog; so I can write about whatever I want. I'm not forcing you to read it, nor am I promising that you will walk away wiser after reading my thoughts. I do hope I learn something along the way. :) 

So, what am I going to blog about first? Well I decided a few days ago to start a project. I have made a list of 30 things I want to do before I am 30. My deadline: 3 Months (May 11th). I have also added a few alternates, just in case some of them get too impractical financially.

I really believe that insight can lead to action, and with this project I hope the opposite can be true as well. Lately I feel as though I have been sitting still, not experiencing much. I wouldn't so much call it lazy, as just inactive. I hope this project helps me to have some small adventures and create some memories. As I created this list I tried to think of things that were 1) new experiences (with some re-dos), and 2) local and reasonably within my financial means. Also, I tried not to over think the importance of each task, in other words, it didn't matter what I would be doing so much as that I would be doing something.

So here is the list (with some commentary):

1) Write this list (I know this seems like a gimme, but believe me from brainstorming to narrowing it down, writing this list has been a bit of a challenge) Completed Feb. 15th
2) Go to a movie by myself. Completed Mar. 31
3) Watch the Sound of Music. (I really haven't ever seen it)
4) Try a new ethnic dish (I think Ethiopian, or Afghani) Completed-March 7 (Indian Food, Delicious)
5) Learn to make espresso. Completed- Feb. 17th
6) Run my second 5K. Completed- Mar. 17th
7) Get my picture taken with the Fremont Troll.
8) Add to the Gum Wall.
9) Go to Mt. Rainer.
10) Give Sushi another chance. (My husband loves sushi, so this one is for him) Completed Mar. 23rd
11) Pay for the person behind me in a drive-through.
12) Try the Purple Dish at Pogacha (a dish highly recommended by my co-workers) Completed Mar. 17th
13) Run on Alki Beach. Completed- Mar. 11th
14) Purchase all items for a meal at Pike's Place and prepare it at home.
15) Climb the REI wall.
16) Eat dinner at the Space Needle (helpful hint-you can join the Dinner Club for a free B-day meal!)
17) Go to the San Juan Islands.
18) Tour Red Hook Brewery and St. Michelle Winery. Completed Feb. 20th
19) Chocolate Tour of Seattle (certificates already purchased!) Completed Apr. 6
20) Go dancing with my husband.
21) Go on a date that requires wearing a little black dress. (Dinner at the Needle may get two with one stone)
22) Use my picnic basket for a picnic with my husband.
23) Eat a Bacon doughnut. (hopefully on the same day I go for a run)
24) Geo-cashing
25) Get up ridiculously early on a weekday to go on a Breakfast Date with my husband.
26) Go to the Seattle Art Museum
27) Memorize 30 Scripture Verses
28) Read a book from my "I've been meaning to read this bookshelf"
29) Go to Chuck E Cheeses (Where a kid can be a kid!)
30) Date Night at a Cinebarre Theater. Completed Feb. 20

* Ride the Duck
* Kayak in salty water

So there it is. Thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions! I think I'm well on my way to my 40 things to do before I'm 40 list as well! :)